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Solid Waste Management is an essential service to be delivered in the households, business areas, offices, industries and other premises of similar nature. The Cities and Municipalities in Tanzania faces solid waste management challenges due to high generation resulting from population growth, urbanization and socio- economic activities taking place in respective areas. Solid Waste Service Contractor M/S Gin Investment Limited has adequate logistics, specialized waste compactors and equipment for services delivery in Mwanza City Council where we are witnessing major improvement and efficiently services delivery in our areas which make our City Clean, Beautiful and Attract local and international tourists who visit our tourist attractions.
Finding a good solid waste management service provider and Environmental Manager has always been challenging, However, in our case despite the challenges there are a few companies that have proved success and have contributed a lot in SWM within our Municipal. GIN Investment is one of such companies. Throughout its contract period the company had been a reliable solid waste service provider, providing Environmental solutions, easy to talk to, great suggestions, referrals and was'nt complicated unlike other solid waste service provider companies. If I were to advice my colleague for a solid waste management service provider, I would suggest GIN Investment co. Ltd.
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